Extensive Expertise - State of the Art Solutions
Preassessment Request Form
Click on the button bellow to take our easy-to-use Preassessment Request Form. This document helps to create a template and framework ahead of building your risk-free comprehensive consultation and threat assessment uniquely tailored to fit your specific needs. Our team will contact you in response to this form as quickly as possible.

Executive Protection Services
-Close Personal Protection
-VIP/Dignitary Protection
-Protective Transportation Services
-Route Reconnaissance & Clearence
-Threat & Travel Risk Assessment Services
Uniformed Protective Services (Armed/Unarmed)
-Physical Security
-Static/Roving Patrols
-Entry Control Point Inspections
-Event Security
-Dispatch & Response
-Client Intelligence Reporting
State of Hawaii Compliant GDE Licensing Course
8-Hour Initial Training Online Class
4-Hour Continued Competency Training Online Class
Service Options
(Fingerprinting, State Processing DCCA)
Protective Cognitive Awareness Package
Industry Standard Practices
Protector Mindset
Itelligence Gathering
Gear Lists
Training Regiments
Weekly Newsletter
Account Exclusive Access

Comprehensive Threat Analysis & Risk Management
Vulnerability Walkthrough
Intelligence Monitoring
Monthly Threat Awareness Notifications
Integrative Corporate Training
Action Planning
Situational Training
Tailored Standard Operating Procedures
Complete Comprehensive SOP Build
Emergency Planning & Mitigation
Industry Standards

Precision Group is dedicated to delivering thoughtful and innovative solutions focused on school safety and security measures. Our goal is to provide a multi-layered assessment that ensures the safety of students, faculty, and staff during and after class is in session.
With various occurrences throughout the country in recent years, identifying and providing change for the most important demographic in our society - our children - has become even more prevalent today.
We understand the unique challenges faced by schools in our country and continue to encourage and build cohesive partnerships with administrators and government officials to develop proven interventions customized to meet every need. Precision Group places the utmost importance on keeping what matters most protected and remains committed to establishing a safe and reliable environment throughout our communities.